NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


My Trip

Here are some photos of my trip to Iowa for my Dad's funeral.

This is the Denver airport on Monday.

It was overcast all of the time I was in Iowa. Rain fell most of the time, albeit drizzly a good portion of it.

It was nice to have someone else do most of the driving. My older brother drove and his wife got stuck in back. *G*

This what Iowa is like along US HWY 20. There's plenty more of this in the state. But don't judge Iowa by this alone. There is much more to it.

On the way to the funeral, we came across this country church/cemetery.

I stayed with my older brother and his wife. She has these flowers blooming on the south side of their house.

Can you imagine driving through this? I took this as we were flying out of Love Field.



  1. That is a cool looking church. Amish?

  2. I don't know. Didn't pay attention to the sign.


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