NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


Bad Hair Day

Storms passed through today, and at one point a wall of water raced us to the front door. We had just returned home from shopping. As it rained, visibility was close to zero for a bit. The street in front of our house was flooded over the crown and the water was working its way up our driveway. It slopes to about 6-10" above the curb. After it pretty much passed and gave us a little break, I saw this Kite land in our elm tree. It obviously got caught in the rain. Talk about a bad hair day!



  1. LOL...I should lend him my blowdryer! Good catch!

  2. Aw, bless him. I love birds.

    Thanks for linking to my pathetic excuse of a blog. Would you like me to link to yours?

    OTOH, you might not want to be seen in a joint like mine.

  3. *G* Sure, you can if you like. :)



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