NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


Father's Day

My Father's Day is going very well! Shelley got me a bike rack for the car that pops on and off at will, so we can take our bikes when we go places.

It will work on the truck too, so we can take it if necessary. We hope to do some camping this year, and it will come in pretty handy.

This morning, she took me for a nice breakfast at one of our favorite haunts. This afternoon, we'll head down to the canyon for a picnic, some photography, and just kickin' around.

I also got a call from my son. He's a good kid. Had a nice chat with him, his wife, and one of his boys.

...and the day's not over yet. :)

*** Addendum ***

We did go into the canyon today. Had a great little picnic. :) Shelley's brother Steve went with us. After our picnic, Steve and I did a little bike riding. Got to try out my new bike rack - and it worked really good! While we were riding, we ran into some deer, wild turkeys, and even this little rascal.
Steve did his best to antagonize him. As a result, this tarantula concentrated on harassing him! He would rear up in his defensive/threatening posture as you see here, and chase Steve around. The tarantula would even jump on his front wheel trying to get to him. It was funny! No, tarantulas are not as deadly as the movies would have you believe. IF they would bite you, you would think it was pretty much a good bee sting. Nothing serious unless you are allergic to insect bites.

While all this was going on, a typical family of 4 (Mom, Dad, teen-age son & daughter) from Alaska came by and saw what was going on. They didn't realize at first what "it" was. Upon learning that it was a tarantula, I heard at least one of them say, "Oh, my God!" as if we were playing with fire. A brief explanation of the non-deadly spider, and they laughed at the ordeal and shot some video and stills of our little friend. Through all this, the dad stayed in the car or right next to the open door. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Seems like we've also had an abundance of Mississippi Kites in the canyon this year. Here are a couple more shots I got of them soaring along the canyon walls.

A great day, for sure! Thank you, m'Lady!



  1. I heard you all laughing up at the entrance to the picnic area. I didn't know this critter was harrasing you. LOL He's (she?) looks pretty fierce. I would have "icked out". Glad you had a great Father's day. You deserve it.

  2. Anonymous11:30:00 AM

    Whoa. You met a family from Alaska? did you ask them about igloos????


  3. *G* No I didn't. Too busy playing with spiders. ;)


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