NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


Security Blanket

We had some storms go through the area again tonight. Chip stayed under the house until it was all over, but little Buster took a different approach. He laid low on the kitchen floor, snuggled up with a wine bottle cover - as if it was a security blanket.

BIIIIIIG yawn....!

Have you ever seen so much "cute" in such a small space?

Tornado warnings had filled the airwaves, the rain had just slacked off, the sky still darkened with ominous-looking clouds. What's that I hear? Could it be...? Is it? An ice cream truck??? A stormy night, and the ice cream man comes out! Brings to mind images of popcorn at a movie, but ice cream with a tornado??? Only in Texas! :)


  1. He's my brave boy! Cute shots, Baby.

  2. It's my subject. He's cute!

  3. I love the weather too. I want some ice cream.

  4. Want me to flag the ice cream man?


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