NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


Beautiful Chaos

A nice line of thunderstorms went through the area tonight. On the back side of it, I shot a little lightning from our front porch/alcove. While I was talking to Steve about it, this one shot across the sky. All I could say was, "WOW!" I couldn't have planned it better if I tried. Steve saw it too, from his apartment.

Here are a few more I got.

Click on the images for a larger view of each.


  1. Wow...that looks too close. Nice shot!!

  2. It was a way off. Took a little while to get the thunder to me. Steve figured about 7 miles, so it was a few miles away anyhow. Thanks, m'Lady!

  3. These lightening shots always amaze me , love to see them but have to admit to being a coward and being outdoors to watch them . Nice shots here.

  4. Thank you, Alison! :)


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