NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


Me? A Bird Brain?

I can't help it. I have a great fondness and respect for these raptors. To me, they have the qualities of a miniature eagle. Proud, graceful, and strong predators. When they hunt, they remind me of Peregrine Falcons as they dive after their quarry. This is one of the few species that eat on the wing.

This guy was nice enough to pose for me while I did an impromptu photo shoot - with him as the subject. No, I really don't know if this is a male or female. The female has very similar colors to the male, but is slightly "duller" - if grey isn't "dull" enough already. ;)

See more of my Mississippi Kite photos and information HERE.



  1. Beautiful. I have a soft spot for raptors, too, but my photos are softer still!

  2. Thank you, Jeanie! :)


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