NOTICE: All photos copyright by D.T. and S. D. Stanton. All rights reserved.


Happy Birthday America!


Today marks the 233rd anniversary of the signing of our Declaration of Independence. It is the day that marks the starting point of our Country. Since the Declaration was signed and delivered to the King of England, many have died doing their best to keep its principles intact. The primary one is Freedom.

On this 4th of July, reflect on our history and how we came to be. When you see the fireworks tonight, know what they represent. Those "Bombs Bursting in Air" represent the battles our forefathers fought to free themselves (and us) from tyrannical rule. It has been (and still is) our responsibility to see that it remains free.

Have a Happy and Safe Independence Day!


*** A Humbling Experience ***
This morning we went to the parade in downtown Canyon. It was the biggest they've had yet - markedly bigger than past years. It lasted over an hour this year. We loved it!

As the floats of military men past and present passed by us, they were met with grateful applause all along the route. As they passed by, I stopped my applause to take a few pictures and give them a high "thumbs up". One of the floats touched me. I was standing there with my US Coast Guard cap on, camera in hand, just minding my own business. ;-) Two of the soldiers (shown here) broke loose from escorting their Veterans of Foreign Wars float to come over to me - ME, of all people - for the purpose of shaking my hand!
I was surprised when the first one (a Desert Storm veteran) extended his hand and said, "Thank you, sir!" (I thought they just wanted to say hi to the kids in front of me.) I was kind of glad he did though, because I wanted to thank them - each and every one in the parade.

I was very much humbled. It's been over 30 years since I served and I must admit I felt a little unworthy. I remember thinking, "Everybody should be thanking you guys."

Thank you, Gentlemen!
Thank all of you who are putting it all on the line (and have put it all on the line) to keep our Country safe and Free.


Emily not too excited about waving the flag here.

But wait!!! Something about dad just brings out the patriotism in her!
(red headed and blue eyes!)



Good ole Ken (friend of the family) made an appearance on one of his tractors.

--post by Dale



  1. I agree. They're actions put a lump in my throat. But you deserve thanks for serving your country too! It was awesome!

  2. I love the Emily and Dad picture.

  3. We missed the parade by about two hours -- company who wouldn't leave on time really set our day off late, and it made me sad because the little small town July 4 parade is one I always look so forward... the seeing eye dogs, the tractors (loved your pix), the church floats, the vets and the shriners and the cop cars! Lake Wobegon come to life. Sigh. Well, I lived vicariously through your posts! Thanks!

  4. Thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comments, Jeanie. Sorry you couldn't make your parade, but there's always next year.


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